Girls Like Roses are the preferred florists of Spencer, Massachusetts (MA) delivering the finest flowers at the most affordable rate. Girls Like Roses are the only florists in Spencer which purchase tens of thousand of roses per week to save our customers money. Visit our flower shop or we'll deliver flowers to Spencer Massachusetts.
We'll Deliver 3 Dozen Roses for only $45.00
Girls Like Roses acquires award winning flowers with the biggest blossoms that last for weeks. Our flowers have been showcased on many T.V. shows and Hollywood films such as Batman "The Dark Knight", with Christian Bale, "The Sophomore" with Bruce Willis and "Women" with Meg Ryan, Jada Pinkett Smith and Eva Mendes. Now that's a quality flower for less than other florists charge. Check other florists: Then call.
Flower Delivery to Spencer, Massachusetts (MA)
Flowers can be great gifts for:
Girls Like Roses
1127 Millbury St.
Worcester, Ma 01607
Open 7 Days a Week
Call Now!
Girls Like Roses are the most affordable flower delivery service in Spencer, Ma and we pride ourselves on being the best florists by delivering the highest quality roses to Spencer, Massachusetts, Leicester, Princeton, Paxton, Sterling, Holden, Worcester, Westboro, Southboro, Auburn, Oxford and many others. Girls Like Roses provides wedding flowers in Spencer as well as funeral flowes, anniversary flowers or corporate gifts. Thank you for visiting our florist webiste. See you soon.
With Love,
From all of us at Girls Like Roses!!!
Content Copyright 2009. Girls Like Roses. All Rights Reserved
Girls Like Roses 3333 Any St. Spencer, Ma 01562 Phone: (508) 304-8221