Florists in Worcester MA GL Roses: The Florists of Worcester-Deliver Flowers Same Day

Florists in Worcester Massachusetts (MA)

GL Roses' mission is to be the preferred florists in Worcester Massachusetts.
Girls Like Roses prides themselves on being the most affordable florist in Worcester County, Massachusetts.
GL Roses - The Florists of Worcester County.
Florists Worcester Massachusetts 01603
The fastest flower delivery in Worcester, Massachusetts. Same day delivery available.
florists, delivery, flowers, wedding, funeral, roses
Same day flower delivery in Worcester, Ma.
Girls Like Roses is a small flower shop located off Rt. 146 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Many florists in Worcester charge up to $100 dollars to deliver a flower bouquet to a loved one. Our philosophy is to be the most affordable florist in Worcester so everyone can enjoy giving and receiving beautiful roses as a gift from the heart. Call GL Roses for flower delivery from "The Florists of Worcester".
   2 Dozen Roses for $20.00 and a Free Vase
When You Mention Our Website Offer!

Girls Like Roses acquires the finest roses from South America and we pride ourselves on delivering the best rose bouquets. Our roses have been featured on many T.V. shows and movies such as Batman "The Dark Knight", The View, Women, The Sophomore, Get Smart and more. No matter what the occasion, we're committed to being the most prolific florist by giving our customers the highest quality at the lowest price. No other florist in Worcester, MA can compete with us.
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Girls Like Roses
1127 Millbury St.
Worcester, Ma 01607

Open 7 Days a Week
Call Now!

Girls Like Roses are one of the few rose florist specialty shops in Worcester.
With Love,
From all of us at Girls Like Roses!!!
Content Copyright 2009. Girls Like Roses. All Rights Reserved
Girls Like Roses "The Florist of Worcester"
We're the most affordable florists delivering flowers in Worcester County, Massachusetts